Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Last Week - Tired baby, Todmas and Man-Flu
This post is a bit late because I've not been able to get much done as I have a little girl that suddenly needs lots and lots of sleep during the day, most of the time on me!!
Well, last week we did the usual, yoga on tuesday, massage on thursday. WJ had suddenly started needing lots of sleep though. She was asleep when we were setting off to baby massage, and I had to get her changed before we left so ended up waking her up. We got there 10 minutes early so she had a feed. I undressed her for her massage, lied her down on the mat and she started crying. We ended up not participating, but just sitting at the side feeding and sleeping and more feeding, all in the nude. She'd finally calmed down when everyone was leaving so I dressed her, then I put her on the floor to get my things in my bag and she was smiling and looking at me as if to say, "Can I have my massage now please mummy?"
On friday my mum, her husband and my sister and nephew came up. As usual my mum was just wanting everyone to pose for photographs while they were there.
Saturday was the Christmas Light Switch on day. They also had a lot of things going on in the day, which was the First Day of Todmas, including stalls, raffles, snow and a Polish day event. I decided I wanted a break from carrying WJ, so we put her in her pram when we went out in the morning, then she went in K's sling in the afternoon. K doesn't use his sling much because it means he can't smoke!! It was her first time out in the pram. She was a bit unsure at first, but then fell asleep, which was good because I've been having trouble getting her to sleep, even though she needs it so much!!
K was supposed to be coming up on sunday but he had man-flu so he stayed at the boat!
Well, last week we did the usual, yoga on tuesday, massage on thursday. WJ had suddenly started needing lots of sleep though. She was asleep when we were setting off to baby massage, and I had to get her changed before we left so ended up waking her up. We got there 10 minutes early so she had a feed. I undressed her for her massage, lied her down on the mat and she started crying. We ended up not participating, but just sitting at the side feeding and sleeping and more feeding, all in the nude. She'd finally calmed down when everyone was leaving so I dressed her, then I put her on the floor to get my things in my bag and she was smiling and looking at me as if to say, "Can I have my massage now please mummy?"
On friday my mum, her husband and my sister and nephew came up. As usual my mum was just wanting everyone to pose for photographs while they were there.
Saturday was the Christmas Light Switch on day. They also had a lot of things going on in the day, which was the First Day of Todmas, including stalls, raffles, snow and a Polish day event. I decided I wanted a break from carrying WJ, so we put her in her pram when we went out in the morning, then she went in K's sling in the afternoon. K doesn't use his sling much because it means he can't smoke!! It was her first time out in the pram. She was a bit unsure at first, but then fell asleep, which was good because I've been having trouble getting her to sleep, even though she needs it so much!!
K was supposed to be coming up on sunday but he had man-flu so he stayed at the boat!
Yarn Along #3
Joining in with Ginny again, here's something I'm making and something I'm reading:

The stripey thing is on of the leg bits from the soaker from last week's post. I decided to make them ribbed, by doing rows of treble-crochet (double in US) where the hook is only inserted into the back loops of the stitches on the previous row. I've alternated the navy with rows of red, which will be the back ribs (I don't know what the more technical way of putting that is). I'll be stitching them onto the soaker. Hopefully it should be finished by the weekend!!
I haven't really been doing much reading, so I've included the magazine I bought the other day, Inside Crochet. I haven't even had much time to read it, but it has some really cute patterns in it.

The stripey thing is on of the leg bits from the soaker from last week's post. I decided to make them ribbed, by doing rows of treble-crochet (double in US) where the hook is only inserted into the back loops of the stitches on the previous row. I've alternated the navy with rows of red, which will be the back ribs (I don't know what the more technical way of putting that is). I'll be stitching them onto the soaker. Hopefully it should be finished by the weekend!!
I haven't really been doing much reading, so I've included the magazine I bought the other day, Inside Crochet. I haven't even had much time to read it, but it has some really cute patterns in it.
Friday, 25 November 2011
This Moment #3 Boobie
A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember." SouleMama
Small Style 24/11/11
(Posted late due to bad internet signal yesterday)
Every thursday I'll be sharing a picture of my super-stylish daughter. I first saw this on A Lime Less Ordinary, but it started on Mama loves Papa.

Top: Diesel
Bodysuit: F&F (Tesco)
Trousers: Next
Tigers: Mothercare
I'd bought the "Tiger Feet" in a Mothercare sale. I got the bodysuit in a small bundle on eBay and I love it! The other items were bought second hand by my mother.
Who says girls have to wear pink!!
Every thursday I'll be sharing a picture of my super-stylish daughter. I first saw this on A Lime Less Ordinary, but it started on Mama loves Papa.

Top: Diesel
Bodysuit: F&F (Tesco)
Trousers: Next
Tigers: Mothercare
I'd bought the "Tiger Feet" in a Mothercare sale. I got the bodysuit in a small bundle on eBay and I love it! The other items were bought second hand by my mother.
Who says girls have to wear pink!!
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Yarn Along #2
Joining in with Ginny again, here's something I'm making and something I'm reading:

The long thing will be a crocheted nappy soaker for WJ. It's loosely based on this pattern here. I've used Drops Alaska, colour 12, navy blue. It's 100% pure new wool so can be lanolised.
I got the book from the second hand market here. WJ wouldn't settle the other night so I started reading it to her, starting with the first story, The Pied Piper of Hamelin :)

The long thing will be a crocheted nappy soaker for WJ. It's loosely based on this pattern here. I've used Drops Alaska, colour 12, navy blue. It's 100% pure new wool so can be lanolised.
I got the book from the second hand market here. WJ wouldn't settle the other night so I started reading it to her, starting with the first story, The Pied Piper of Hamelin :)
Monday, 21 November 2011
Last Week - Nappies, Great Grandparents, BF Group
On Moday I took WJ to my hometown where she met a few of my old schoolfriends. I mentioned last week that someone's mum had passed away. I didn't go to the funeral, just the wake. It was nice to see my old friends. My friends were coping very well, and my thoughts are with them.
Tuesday is Baby Yoga day, so we went to that and had fun. WJ was quite hungry at the end bit where we lie down and relax, so I laid down on my side and let her feed. Then I met K at the train station and we got the train to the next town, walked up a massive hill and picked up some nappies I'd got through Freecycle. They're Little Lamb's, in great condition. I'm not sure whether they're bamboo or organic cotton though. I've basically been given the £300 set (mix of size 1 and 2) plus an extra bucket and extra wraps!! They are easier than the terry squares I'm using, and they're "Daddy friendly!" They don't dry as quick though, which is actually the main reason I bought terries. I washed a few at the laundrette with my terries, then put £2 in the drier. The terries were totally dry, but the 'Lambs could do with another £2. So it looks like I'll be using the squares, especially in these colder, damper months. It's great that K can feel confident changing her though ;)
On Wednesday my grandparents, sister and nephew came over. They'd not seen WJ for quite a while. T, my nephew, will be 2 in December. He was funny because he was jumping and running around, but he kept falling over. He didn't seem bothered by it though, just got up and carried on. My sister parents a totally different way to the way I will though. She's using a reward chart to control his tantrums, and she has a naughty step. It makes me sad, but I don't want to criticize her when she has more experience than I. When she mentioned his "paddying," I said to T, "awww, it's because you can't express your emotions isn't it..." but my sister said she has to do something about it because he hits smaller children. She's obviously doing what's best for them, it just doesn't seem right.
Thursday was Baby Massage day. We massaged bellys this time to help the digestive system. This meant no nappies. Towards the end, WJ provided me with more encouragement to try EC properly. More on this in a separate post over the next few days.
On Friday I went to the Breastfeeding group, I haven't been for a while so it was nice to catch up with people!
Tuesday is Baby Yoga day, so we went to that and had fun. WJ was quite hungry at the end bit where we lie down and relax, so I laid down on my side and let her feed. Then I met K at the train station and we got the train to the next town, walked up a massive hill and picked up some nappies I'd got through Freecycle. They're Little Lamb's, in great condition. I'm not sure whether they're bamboo or organic cotton though. I've basically been given the £300 set (mix of size 1 and 2) plus an extra bucket and extra wraps!! They are easier than the terry squares I'm using, and they're "Daddy friendly!" They don't dry as quick though, which is actually the main reason I bought terries. I washed a few at the laundrette with my terries, then put £2 in the drier. The terries were totally dry, but the 'Lambs could do with another £2. So it looks like I'll be using the squares, especially in these colder, damper months. It's great that K can feel confident changing her though ;)
On Wednesday my grandparents, sister and nephew came over. They'd not seen WJ for quite a while. T, my nephew, will be 2 in December. He was funny because he was jumping and running around, but he kept falling over. He didn't seem bothered by it though, just got up and carried on. My sister parents a totally different way to the way I will though. She's using a reward chart to control his tantrums, and she has a naughty step. It makes me sad, but I don't want to criticize her when she has more experience than I. When she mentioned his "paddying," I said to T, "awww, it's because you can't express your emotions isn't it..." but my sister said she has to do something about it because he hits smaller children. She's obviously doing what's best for them, it just doesn't seem right.
Thursday was Baby Massage day. We massaged bellys this time to help the digestive system. This meant no nappies. Towards the end, WJ provided me with more encouragement to try EC properly. More on this in a separate post over the next few days.
On Friday I went to the Breastfeeding group, I haven't been for a while so it was nice to catch up with people!
Friday, 18 November 2011
This Moment #2 Towels
A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember." SouleMama

Thursday, 17 November 2011
Small Style 17/11/11
Every thursday I'll be sharing a picture of my super-stylish daughter. I first saw this on A Lime Less Ordinary, but it started on Mama loves Papa.
I must confess to cheating here. I didn't take any pictures this week where WJ wasn't in a sleepsuit, so this is a picture from a couple of weeks ago.
Again, all clothes are second hand, bought in a bundle by my mother.

Jacket: Baby (Tesco)
Top: Just Too Cute
Jeans: Marks and Spencer
I must confess to cheating here. I didn't take any pictures this week where WJ wasn't in a sleepsuit, so this is a picture from a couple of weeks ago.
Again, all clothes are second hand, bought in a bundle by my mother.

Jacket: Baby (Tesco)
Top: Just Too Cute
Jeans: Marks and Spencer
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Yarn Along #1
This is my first 'Yarn Along' post. The idea was started by Ginny, where we share something we're knitting or crocheting, and something we're reading.
So I'm crocheting a bag for my nephew, Toby. It will hopefully look like Toby the steam tram from Thomas the Tank Engine. I'm using the super chunky Eskimo pure wool yarn from Drops by Garnstudio. It is so soft!! This is the first actual thing I've crocheted, apart from a small flower. It isn't perfect as I've just made up the pattern as I've gone along, but I'll be putting it in the washing machine to felt, so you won't notice the uneven rows so much ;)

The book is Baby-Led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett. It makes so much sense to wean this way. I don't want to be forcing mush down my baby's throat! I also plan to breastfeed her on demand for as long as possible, so after she's had the freedom and trust to eat as and when she needs/wants, I don't want to take that away from her. She knows what she needs more than I do.
So I'm crocheting a bag for my nephew, Toby. It will hopefully look like Toby the steam tram from Thomas the Tank Engine. I'm using the super chunky Eskimo pure wool yarn from Drops by Garnstudio. It is so soft!! This is the first actual thing I've crocheted, apart from a small flower. It isn't perfect as I've just made up the pattern as I've gone along, but I'll be putting it in the washing machine to felt, so you won't notice the uneven rows so much ;)

The book is Baby-Led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett. It makes so much sense to wean this way. I don't want to be forcing mush down my baby's throat! I also plan to breastfeed her on demand for as long as possible, so after she's had the freedom and trust to eat as and when she needs/wants, I don't want to take that away from her. She knows what she needs more than I do.
Last Week - Yoga, Massage and Knitting Machines
This post is a little late, but on Monday I was back in my home town all day, and yesterday I couldn't stay connected to the internet!
So, last tuesday I went to baby yoga with WJ. It was our first time there and we loved it! It's a mixture of stretches that entertain your baby, and stretching your baby while watching your own posture. Then we have about 10 minutes of relaxation with our babies. Naturally, you get interruptions of babies giggling, pooping, posseting and crying, but the atmosphere there is so relaxed and everyone else is in the same boat. If your baby needs feeding, you feed them, if the baby needs changing, you change them.
It was in Hebden Bridge so I decided to see a friend before it as he'd just returned to Hebden Bridge with his boat. It was the first time he'd met WJ.
On thursday we went to baby massage. This too was great. We just did legs and feet. WJ was looking around all the time!!
On friday I went over to Accrington on the train to pick up a knitting machine I'd won on eBay, a Knitmaster 302. I'd won it for around £35. The guy was selling it because it was his mum's, but she'd moved into a care home. As I was getting my money out though, he told me he didn't want any!! He told me he was putting everything on Freecycle, but with this he wanted to make sure it would go to someone who actually wanted it and would look after it, not just someone after metal to scrap. He also wasn't very sure of the condition of it. So I got it for nothing. It seems in brilliant condition, so would really be a shame if someone was to scrap it. It is a model from the 60s!
On saturday my mum called me to tell me my friends' mum had died. I didn't know, but she was diagnosed with stomache cancer a year ago. My friends are only 24 and 27 so I can't imagine how they must be feeling. I used to go to their house every Sunday for Sunday dinner. Their mum made the best Sunday dinner in the world. They had their own chickens and grew their own vegetables.
The week ended with a delicious Sunday dinner cooked by K.
So, last tuesday I went to baby yoga with WJ. It was our first time there and we loved it! It's a mixture of stretches that entertain your baby, and stretching your baby while watching your own posture. Then we have about 10 minutes of relaxation with our babies. Naturally, you get interruptions of babies giggling, pooping, posseting and crying, but the atmosphere there is so relaxed and everyone else is in the same boat. If your baby needs feeding, you feed them, if the baby needs changing, you change them.
It was in Hebden Bridge so I decided to see a friend before it as he'd just returned to Hebden Bridge with his boat. It was the first time he'd met WJ.
On thursday we went to baby massage. This too was great. We just did legs and feet. WJ was looking around all the time!!
On friday I went over to Accrington on the train to pick up a knitting machine I'd won on eBay, a Knitmaster 302. I'd won it for around £35. The guy was selling it because it was his mum's, but she'd moved into a care home. As I was getting my money out though, he told me he didn't want any!! He told me he was putting everything on Freecycle, but with this he wanted to make sure it would go to someone who actually wanted it and would look after it, not just someone after metal to scrap. He also wasn't very sure of the condition of it. So I got it for nothing. It seems in brilliant condition, so would really be a shame if someone was to scrap it. It is a model from the 60s!
On saturday my mum called me to tell me my friends' mum had died. I didn't know, but she was diagnosed with stomache cancer a year ago. My friends are only 24 and 27 so I can't imagine how they must be feeling. I used to go to their house every Sunday for Sunday dinner. Their mum made the best Sunday dinner in the world. They had their own chickens and grew their own vegetables.
The week ended with a delicious Sunday dinner cooked by K.
Friday, 11 November 2011
This Moment #1 Sleepy
"A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember." SouleMama

Thursday, 10 November 2011
Small Style 10/11/11
This is my first Small Style post. I first saw it on Nev's blog, A Lime Less Ordinary, but it first started on Mama Loves Papa. Every week I'll be sharing a photo of my (super stylish) baby!!
This photo's actually from yesterday, but I think her outfit is great. I'd dressed her in the bodysuit, top and leggings, then went to get myself ready, and when I came back she was wearing a hat and boots!

All items, apart from the bodysuit, were bought by my mum secong hand.
Hat - Mini Mode (part of a pumpkin outfit)
Boots - TU (sainsburys)
Top - It has no label
Leggings - Disney at George, Asda
Bodysuit - H&M
This photo's actually from yesterday, but I think her outfit is great. I'd dressed her in the bodysuit, top and leggings, then went to get myself ready, and when I came back she was wearing a hat and boots!

All items, apart from the bodysuit, were bought by my mum secong hand.
Hat - Mini Mode (part of a pumpkin outfit)
Boots - TU (sainsburys)
Top - It has no label
Leggings - Disney at George, Asda
Bodysuit - H&M
Big Catchup!!
Yes I've been AWOL again. I haven't really felt like blogging. A few days after K's dad passed away, we found out our friend had died. We're still not really sure of the consequenses as he didn't have many friends around here and his family live in another county. K had asked his ex girlfriend about the funeral and she was supposed to be informing us of the details. She didn't, and I ended up finding out about the funeral online, a few hours after he'd been burried. I was gutted. And then my Grandma's brother died. I didn't know him, but it's not nice when my grandma's upset.
I didn't want to blog until I felt ready to post regularly again though. So anyway, onto more positive things. What have we been up to?
-Meeting "The Family". Me and WJ didn't go to K's dad's funeral as we didn't know him so K didn't feel it was appropriate. We met him afterwards at the wake and got to meet all his family, including all the cousins he didn't know he had. A lot of people kept coming over to meet "G's Granddaughter". Unfortunately they were met with half her face and half my boob as she was just starting her growth spurt. WJ's Great Auntie J and Great Uncle R were really excited to see her. They gave us their address so we'll definitely keep in touch with them.
-Watching films. We watch Four Lions, a comedy about Islamic terrorists. It was funny but had a sad ending. We don't usually watch comedies though so was a nice change. Then we watched Grave of the Fireflies, a Studio Ghibli film. This was really sad about a boy who loses his parents in the war and is left looking after his sister, who dies of malnutrition. I found out afterwards that is was based on a semi-autobiographical book. It's not as imaginitive (read "crazy") as the other Studio Ghibli films, but we really enjoyed it. Then we watched Chrysallis, based on a short story by Ray Bradbury. K wanted something thought provoking and has read some of Ray Bradbury's books so chose this. But it was awful. The acting was really poor and there wasn't any depth to the story, apart from a Christian undertone. The only good thing about it was that it wasn't too long!!
-Shopping. We all went to Manchester. I bought some yarns to make a christmas present for my nephew, I bought a gorgeous hat and gloves for WJ, and I bought a Christmas tree.
-Yoga. Baby yoga with WJ, we loved it! I get my stretches while entertaining her, then she gets to do some stretches. Then we both relax together. It's such a relaxed atmosphere, and it's ok if your baby wants to stop for a feed, needs changing, starts crying, talking or giggling. Then we all stay and have herbal tea and a chat.
-Massage. WJ got invited to a course of 4 baby massage classes. Today was the first. There were just under 10 mother-and-baby pairs (including a double pair of grandmother-mother-twins) and a health visitor talked us through giving our baby a leg and foot massage. I can't wait to go back last week. Now I just need to teach WJ how to massage me.
-Crochet. More details to come soon ;)
-eBay. I decided to buy another knitting machine. I don't know why!! I also taught K how to use eBay, so now my watch list is full of guitars!!
I didn't want to blog until I felt ready to post regularly again though. So anyway, onto more positive things. What have we been up to?
-Meeting "The Family". Me and WJ didn't go to K's dad's funeral as we didn't know him so K didn't feel it was appropriate. We met him afterwards at the wake and got to meet all his family, including all the cousins he didn't know he had. A lot of people kept coming over to meet "G's Granddaughter". Unfortunately they were met with half her face and half my boob as she was just starting her growth spurt. WJ's Great Auntie J and Great Uncle R were really excited to see her. They gave us their address so we'll definitely keep in touch with them.
-Watching films. We watch Four Lions, a comedy about Islamic terrorists. It was funny but had a sad ending. We don't usually watch comedies though so was a nice change. Then we watched Grave of the Fireflies, a Studio Ghibli film. This was really sad about a boy who loses his parents in the war and is left looking after his sister, who dies of malnutrition. I found out afterwards that is was based on a semi-autobiographical book. It's not as imaginitive (read "crazy") as the other Studio Ghibli films, but we really enjoyed it. Then we watched Chrysallis, based on a short story by Ray Bradbury. K wanted something thought provoking and has read some of Ray Bradbury's books so chose this. But it was awful. The acting was really poor and there wasn't any depth to the story, apart from a Christian undertone. The only good thing about it was that it wasn't too long!!
-Shopping. We all went to Manchester. I bought some yarns to make a christmas present for my nephew, I bought a gorgeous hat and gloves for WJ, and I bought a Christmas tree.
-Yoga. Baby yoga with WJ, we loved it! I get my stretches while entertaining her, then she gets to do some stretches. Then we both relax together. It's such a relaxed atmosphere, and it's ok if your baby wants to stop for a feed, needs changing, starts crying, talking or giggling. Then we all stay and have herbal tea and a chat.
-Massage. WJ got invited to a course of 4 baby massage classes. Today was the first. There were just under 10 mother-and-baby pairs (including a double pair of grandmother-mother-twins) and a health visitor talked us through giving our baby a leg and foot massage. I can't wait to go back last week. Now I just need to teach WJ how to massage me.
-Crochet. More details to come soon ;)
-eBay. I decided to buy another knitting machine. I don't know why!! I also taught K how to use eBay, so now my watch list is full of guitars!!
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