WJ was weighed today. She weighs 8lb 7oz now, which means she's put on 12oz in a week. She'd put on 13oz last week, so that's 25oz in two weeks. It's amazing to think she's thriving so much from my milk. I'm 5'4”, slim and very small breasted, but I'm obviously providing the right nutrition for her.
I'm very proud of myself for sticking with it, but I suppose formula isn't an option for me as I only want the best for her (I don't mean to put down anyone not breastfeeding!). I knew the first week or so would be difficult, but I also knew it would only get easier. We had a few problems at first; small mouth big nipples, milk coming out too fast, etc; but we worked around them and 5 weeks later it feels so natural. When she was just over 2 weeks old, K and I had a few problems, then when she was weighed at 3 weeks she'd not put on that much weight, despite feeding loads - 16 times in a 24 hour period. I figured out afterwards that stress hormones had been inhibiting my hormones to release my milk, so she was having to feed more often but still not getting enough, making me more stressed and tired. When I felt calmer I noticed I released a lot more milk.
It feels magical when she feeds, I don't really see the milk she drinks, I certainly don't have a measure for it, yet every two hours or so she starts looking around, opening her mouth and frantically sucking her hand, then I put her to my breast, she sticks to it for a while, then drops off sleepy and satisfied. I don't feel like I'm feeding her, yet she's getting heavier, stronger and longer!!
The only slight problem we have now is that being small breasted, when she's ready to feed and they're full, they're quite hard and flat so she can't get a good seal so sucks in a lot of air until they're soft. If she falls asleep before burping her, I don't always burp her, but obviously the air has to come out somewhere so she ends up farting quite a bit!!
I'm glad you worked through any teething problems. :)
ReplyDeleteA word on your breasts being hard when she wants feeding: that is an indicator that the gap between feeds is too long. Your breasts can feel full but shouldn't feel hard. If she has problems latching try and express a little with your hand, just above the nipples so they soften.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I am happy to help. :)
Thanks you. I think it was just those first few weeks when supply is being established as they don't go like rocks anymore!!
ReplyDeleteStill exclusively breastfeeding though so everything's going great :)